Treatment & Services

Post Burn Surgery

Post Burn Surgery

Often an acute post-burn surgery is recommended to furnish a foundation for the impacted skin areas for healing. However, it is observed that after an acute burn surgery of the affected area, the burnt area does not always heal properly within weeks or months. In such instances where the first acute burn surgery was either not effective or scar tissue were built up, reconstructive burn surgery is prescribed.

Reconstructive post-burn surgery is practised to modify both the procedure and the appearance of the burn scars. After this surgery, the burn scars are comparatively less visible. It is believed that after surgery, the impacted skin becomes more flexible and the movement capacity increases depending on the area of surgery.

Skinalaya is one of the best clinics providing the best burn treatment in Delhi. Detailed information is being given further.

What is burn surgery?

What do you understand when you hear about burn surgery treatment? Does it raise questions in your mind about how a burnt area can be treated successfully without leaving a scar? Since childhood, we all have heard that the burn scar can never be eradicated from the affected area but now, it can be done by using the burn surgery procedures.

The absolute purpose of this surgery is to refine both the function as well as the image of the burn scars. The treatment includes the modification of scar tissue with both nonoperative and operative techniques. The treatment of scar tissue takes several months to show results and new scar contractures are also seen in the young generation who are in an ingrown stage.

What are the benefits of reconstructive surgery?

Post-burn surgery is not able to eradicate the burn scar from the patient's skin, but the skin is improved in basic function and the scar looks unnoticeable.

The goal of such surgeries is-

  • To restore confidence and comfort.
  • Improves the movement of the areas such as the neck, shoulder, hands or legs which were limited by the scarring.
  • Rehabilitates the appearance of the skin and normal functioning of the affected region.
  • Facial scarring that generates issues with the eyelids, lips, nose or hair loss can also be treated with reconstructive treatment.
  • The abnormal thick, wide and discoloured scars are often restored by various more operative and non-operative procedures.

What are the options for burn treatment?

Reconstructive surgery is majorly divided into two methods

  1. Non-operative
  2. Operative


The non-operative methods involve

  • Scar massage
  • The dressing of pressure garments along with topical medications.


  • Removal of the scar by tissue scar procedure
  • Skin grafting
  • Skin rearrangement ( Z-plate)
  • Tissue expansion in the regions of the face, neck, arms, hands and legs.
  • Donor flaps

What are the types of burn surgery?

The procedure being used in burn surgery widely depends on the severity and age of the patient.

The patient is required to choose or select the different types of surgery.

Some burn surgery is processed immediately after the burn and some of them are performed afterwards. The one which is performed immediately after the burn is called acute and the latter one is called reconstructive burn surgery.

  • Immediate procedures - It is in conditions where we can't wait for the scar to get mature as it can lead to severe damage to the vital organs in the body. In such conditions, we process immediate or acute burn surgery.
  • Essential procedure - conditions which do not affect the general health of the patient but such surgeries are being processed to improve the condition and appearance of the scar or wound. Sometimes in such procedures, a hypertrophic scarring procedure is done which often restricts the patient from performing daily activities like eating, bathing etc.
  • Desirable reconstructive procedures - this reconstructive procedure is one of the most common surgeries. It is done to improve or correct aesthetic problems. The essential factor to remember is that the plastic surgeon has to wait for all the immature scars to vanish.

What causes burn surgery?

There are four main causes of burns:

  • Thermal - the most common burns are reported due to fires, explosions, scalds and other contact burns. So you have to be extra careful while working anywhere near inflammable things be it oven, gas, candles or steam.
  • Chemical burns: Chemical burns are the second most common cause of burns but occur rarely. Burn occurs from either a purely alkaline or acidic substance such as paint thinner, drain cleaner and others. Chemical burns are comparatively more severe than thermal burns as they don't stop causing impact further until the substance is deactivated.
  • Electrical: electrical materials are also a common cause of burns. These types of burns also affect the other vital organs in some instances.
  • Sun: sunburns are the most common example.

What are the complications of burn surgery?

Burn patients are at risk of surgical complications of multiple organ systems, particularly involving the gastrointestinal tract with complications such as

  1. Stress gastritis
  2. Ulceration
  3. Acalculous
  4. Cholecystitis
  5. Superior mesenteric artery syndrome
  6. Acute pancreatitis
  7. Ischemia
  8. Toxic epidermal necrolysis
  9. Radiation syndrome
  10. Infection (redness, swelled)
  11. Skin rashes
  12. Sinus drainage, nasal congestion
  13. Sore Throat

If you need reconstructive burn treatment

If you want burn treatment, do consult the best plastic surgeon in Delhi at none other than the skinalaya. Skinalaya is the leading clinic providing the best surgical scar treatment in Delhi.

The key step towards your treatment is to consult your doctor so that no communication gap remains and express your expectations from the surgery. Then the doctor will be able to explain to you even better about the treatment and its outcomes.

During the initial meeting of your consultation, you are supposed to provide a complete medical history including all types of treatments, surgery or allergies to any substance. After the inspection and general information now the surgeon will do a complete physical examination.

Moreover, based on the discussion, the type of treatment will be decided by the plastic surgeon with some basic instructions about before and after surgery being discussed.

The patient is then discharged from the hospital after surgery and is suggested to take help to carry out the day-to-day activities.


Rehabilitation of the burn patient is quite important to provide healing of tissue scarring and improve the aesthetics despite its lengthy procedure. Sustaining a burn injury for a longer period can be harmful to other body organs. Providing the best treatment at affordable prices is the key feature of skinalaya. In addition, we provide complete physiological and social challenges. Choose quality and choose skinalaya.


Skinalaya - Advanced Skin Care & Plastic Surgery in Rohini, Delhi

Skinalaya - The Most Trusted Skin Specialist in Delhi and Skin Specialist in Rohini Delhi

Skinalaya is dedicated to skin care & aesthetic practices in a scientific & ethical way to promote skin care. It is located in the Rohini,Delhi,India. It has a tradition of being there for the last 10 years. We are serving the society to treat different skin ailments in ethical way. The clinic has seen dermatology growing from infancy to its present status.

Our Vision

At Skinalaya - Our constant endeavour is to make people look good in their own skin by enhancing their skin health. We at Skinalaya aim to build a dedicated centre of excellences envisaged to provide its patronage the most exclusive services to treat a wide spectrum of disease conditions ranging from acne to hair transplant.

Our Mission

To establish Skinalaya as one of Preferred Skin Care Centre using the latest technological advances with an emphasis on patient care and safety - delivering world class quality for patients.


Burn is the damage to the superficial skin or deep tissues.

Some most common causes of burn are radiation, sun, inflammable substances, chemicals or electricity.

The treatment of burns depends on the severity of the burn. The chemical or electrical burns are required to be treated immediately. Other than that self-care and medications are good alternatives.

There are majorly three types of burn

  • 1. First degree- the affected part is epidermis only. 
  • 2. Second degree- affects the epidermis as well as the dermis in the lower layer. 
  • 3. Third-degree- involves epidermis, dermis and fat. 
  • Cool the burn.
  • Don't break blisters
  • Tetanus shot.

Our Clinic

Address :
E-3/1, 3rd Floor, Sector 11, Rohini, Delhi
Landmark: Adjacent G3S Cinemas
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09626569378, 011-40071896
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Skinalaya is dedicated to skin care & aesthetic practices in a scientific & ethical way to promote skin care. It is located in the Rohini, Delhi, India.